Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I had a little extra time off of school and work for Thanksgiving so I decided to work on my engine for a bit. So when I was removing the oil pan to look inside my engine around May, 3 out of the 32 bolts holding it in place snapped (3 in a row at that)and I have put off removing them for the longest time. I tried using a nut to get the remainder of the bolts out but there wasn't enough threads to hold onto, so the only solution I thought of was to drill them out. I had the engine on the engine stand and being able to rotate it to the side made drilling easier. I covered the inside with paper towels to prevent the shavings from getting inside.

Bolt 1
In this picture, the left hole is what it looks like normally and the right side
you can see that I started drilling out the first bolt and it's about halfway through
(sorry no before pictures haha I was focused on getting it done)

Bolt 2 & 3
The first bolt was easy to drill out but the other two were really difficult
to start since the bolts broke uneven. I broke off the bolts to make it 
nearly flushed with the bottom of the block to reduce the amount of
material I will need to drill. The drill bit I was using kept slipping and
going to a smaller drill bit helped me get it going. As you can see in this
pic, I drilled all the way through on the second bolt and the third bolt broken.

And here they are drilled out all the way!

 Bolts 1, 2, and 3
Since I drilled out the bolts, I have to rethread the holes for 
the bolts. My brother let me borrow his tap to rethread them. 

Have to make sure it's going straight and not going at an angle.


I'm glad it went smoothly for the most part and I didn't struggle too much haha. 

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